by Sara | Traveling With Kids
Here are some of our favorite places. For your convenience, here are maps to each one with all the best stuff! They are color coded too 🤓 ✨ Map Legend ✨ Green = MuseumsOrange = Favorite CitiesYellow = To DoRed = EatsLight Blue = Gelato &...
by Sara | Toddler Life, Traveling With Kids
To be completely honest with you, flying with a kid between the age of 1 and 2 is a challenge. Before this age, they are mostly adorable blob babies that can nurse/drink from a bottle during takeoff. They generally like to be held and nap often. And are just more...
by Sara | Home & Organization
Keeping your space tidy is part effort and part good systems. As the business theorist and management consultant Dr. W. Edwards Deming wrote: “A bad system will beat a good person every time.” One of the best ways to create good systems is to have the...